Sampling Bias in COVID 19
Published in El Pais, 26 January 2021. Countries around the world are trying various ways to “flatten the curve” with COVID 19 and it has certainly been an educational experience as we know a lot […]
Published in El Pais, 26 January 2021. Countries around the world are trying various ways to “flatten the curve” with COVID 19 and it has certainly been an educational experience as we know a lot […]
Publicado en El Pais, 1 de Agosto 2020. Las emergencias como del COVID-19 podrían ser prevenidas con la corresponsabilidad de funciones. Esto se puede lograr con un Estado que dicte normas, las cumpla y las […]
Published in El Pais, 1 Agust 2020. Emergencies such as COVID-19 could be prevented with co-responsibility functions. This can be achieved with a state that dictates standards, complies with them and enforces them. However, COVID-19 […]
Publicado en El Pais, 25 de Julio 2020. Esta pandemia ha creado la tormenta perfecta para el aumento de peso, haciendo que los 19 del COVID-19 tomen un nuevo significado. Muchos se ven obligados a […]
Published in El Pais, 21 July 2020. I am conducting collaborative research with several researchers from different countries on the control of COVID-19. In Bolivia, some of the results show a weakness in health governance […]
Publicado en El Pais, 21 de Julio 2020. Estoy realizando una investigación en colaboración con varios investigadores de diferentes países sobre el control del COVID-19. En Bolivia, algunos de los resultados muestran una debilidad en […]
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