BURN-OUT (part 2)
Published in El Pais, 22 de Febrero 2020. Many people experience continuous stress every day. More and more people are becoming exhausted and collapse. They have a burnout. How do we solve this growing problem? […]
Published in El Pais, 22 de Febrero 2020. Many people experience continuous stress every day. More and more people are becoming exhausted and collapse. They have a burnout. How do we solve this growing problem? […]
Publicado en El Pais, 22 de Febrero 2020. Muchas personas experimentan estrés continuo todos los días. Cada vez más personas se están agotando y cayendo. Tienen un desgaste profesional. ¿Cómo resolvemos este problema creciente? El […]
Gepubliceerd in El Pais, 15 Februari 2020. Heeft u goed gewerkt vandaag? Werkt u structureel meer uren dan contractueel verplicht en heeft u het gevoel toch steeds achter de feiten aan te lopen? Heeft u […]
Published in El Pais, February 15th 2020 Did you work well today? Do you work structurally more hours than contractually required and do you still feel that you are lagging? Do you have insufficient control […]
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