Published in El Pais, 22 August 2020.
Many countries are already reopening economies, and many think we will return to “the life of before” but it is not. In fact, post-COVID-19 life is a new reality in which we will have to learn to live until there is a new vaccine. I will tell you about my experience in some activities I attended in the Netherlands.
- Mass in the church: It is necessary to book a place. The seat layout is more separate. Not everyone can get in. You can only have two family members sitting together and keep 1.5 to 2 meters away from the front, side and back. The songs are sung only by church staff with the necessary distances and prevent the public from doing so to avoid drops of saliva. To receive the communion (in the hand) an acrylic plastic separator is between the priest and the people keeping the 1.5 meters distance, which is a great challenge.
- Museum visit: Admission to each room is only allowed for each family and when they leave another family is allowed. The outdoor areas are for everyone with the distance of 1.5 meters.
- Universities. This August 31st starts the academic year and in faculty meetings it was announced that 100% of the classes will be online, except the practical subjects which will be with the necessary distance. The University has acquired software and trained staff to get everything carried out without further setbacks. Pre-use of platforms helped make adapting to the new system simpler. The teaching staff does not have to attend the offices as all the work can be done from home and in fact, many find it quite comfortable although some have gone through psychological assistance (online) for loneliness during this long time. The University will be open for those necessary aspects during special hours.
- Schools: The year has already started, and schools use up to four entrance doors to reduce student flow. The break and lunch times have been shortened and separated for the courses. Teachers must keep distance from students to protect themselves. There are more online activities to bring students closer to their teachers and gymnastics is in open air.
- Home visits: The government has suggested that home visitors can be received without passing the maximum number of eight people for being a closed place and avoiding contagion.
- All other activities are strictly controlled, especially if they are closed places. The number of COVID-19 tests are increased to discover cases in time and take the necessary measures of individual quarantine and its contacts.
Certainly, life after COVID-19 will never be the same again as before and we will have to adapt to the new lifestyle to avoid further contagion.
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