Published in El Pais, 14 July 2020.
Restaurants are opening up again and rather than have menus that can be a carrier for the virus they have decided to do virtual menus. You scan the code on your smartphone and the menu displays on your screen. As new waves of the virus come even after the pandemic is over and society becomes more conscious with spreading germs technology will be implemented in new ways to help limit the common surfaces that we touch. Here are some existing technologies that can be implemented in new ways to do this.
1. Virtual credit cards. Apple pay and google pay has been around for a few years now but there are many countries that still do not support this. Having a virtual credit card on your phone can speed up the payment process and have one less thing to worry about cleaning when you get home. The same technology can also be used for transit passes or membership cards. An added bonus means not having to hold onto a bunch of rewards cards in your wallet.
2. Online elections. Despite being in a digital era voting still seems to be in the dark ages as countries around the world rely on paper to count votes. As inconvenient and costly such a system may be, during a pandemic it is outright dangerous as it became apparent in the United States when outbreaks happened during states respective presidential primaries. With phones and computers implementing fingerprint scanning and facial recognition, governments can leverage devices their citizens may already own to allow a secure way to vote online. Regular polling stations would remain for those who wish to vote the old fashion way but those who do would also benefit from the shorter wait times and smaller crowds as most move to online ballots.
3. Virtual fitness classes. This of course is nothing new but they are starting to explode in popularity as gymnasiums remain closed for some time. Many have gained weight and are starting to look for ways to lose those extra kilos. Gym nuts will always claim it is never the same and they will be right but considering the amount of time left before they start to open everyone may have no choice but to start their digital workout.
Often people will adjust to the new normal when they are forced too. This pandemic is certainly forcing us to change many of our habits. With the right technology we can ease the transition into these new habits and may even prefer them once everything goes back to normal.
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