Published en El Pais, 6 June 2020.
The World Bank defines corruption as the exercise of public power for private benefit. This concept includes both minor and major forms of corruption and the “capture” of the state by elites and private interests. Several times I prefer to add that corruption is not only for private gain but is a cost to an entire nation. It seems that thieves in government have no idea that when they waste money, when they use public goods for themselves, or when they put public money in their own pockets, they are also cause costs for everyone. Costs that often cannot be expressed in money but more in human lives.
I thought that now in the times of the coronavirus, people would feel more committed than ever to help their nation. I was terribly wrong. The purchase of overpriced respirators, the purchase of COVID-19 tests and biosecurity materials that are being hidden or of poor quality, the delivery of rotten food to the police, the burning of more green areas that would now serve for people have the opportunity to go out and breathe fresh air without getting infected, etc. And unfortunately, this is not all. People who benefit illegally do not understand that they are creating a tremendous cost to society because instead of buying big cars and houses to impress their friends, they could have bought more respirators to equip more hospitals and save more lives. If we look at it differently, the corrupt persons during COVID-19 have tried to kill many people with their action and should be judged as murderers (attempted) and not just for corruption. Public authorities are role models for society and are the origin of the rest of society being corrupt as well.
I think that during these times of crisis people understand each other better in order to get out of this crisis quickly. However, it seems that as always there are people who take advantage of the misery of others to earn money beyond what is right. In every act of corruption I would like to understand if this action really makes them feel good and proud, but will they also feel that they are killing people who will need those respirators and who will not have them? When a doctor gets sick will he remember it was for hiding the material for himself? If someone had died from a food infection like salmonella, would they be prosecuted? Or are they so selfish that they only think of themselves?
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