Published in El Pais, 30 June 2020.
Last week the premier of my province (Ontario, Canada) announced that we will reopen due to the drop in COVID 19 cases. This was welcome to many who may have lost their job or want everything to get back to normal. This will be done gradually as many things remained closed such as bars and movie theatres while restaurants could only open with a patio. Gatherings were allowed up to 10 people but we are asked to remain vigilant as if things get worse, we will return to lockdown as is the case in many South American countries. I did not go out much myself but when I did here is what I found.
My Haircut
Like many I had not had my haircut in a while which admittedly resulted in a shaggy mess. So, when I heard they would reopen I booked an appointment however my experience was more like a visit to the Emergency Room. On top of the mandatory masks I was made to sign a form that I was symptom free and my temperature was checked. The style I originally wanted was not allowed either as it would take too long so she did a similar style which would get me out of the chair quickly. The cut was great though the experience was different.
The Patios
I was not onboard with reopening patios but I understand people have to work. Every single one I passed though looked overcrowded. The staff seemed to have taken precautions but if I were a patron the entire time would stress me out and certainly take the fun out of a good meal.
The Crowds
The streets are looking like they were pre pandemic with social distancing being a thing of the past. Parks were packed and kids were playing on the playgrounds (despite the fact that they remain closed). Stores did their best to limit the number of customers but the sidewalks were a free for all as it was almost impossible to remain distant from others.
What are those? Despite the recommendation from government health institutions, few wore them, admittedly the hot weather does not help as the result is often a sweaty cloth hugging your face. Resisters may have no choice soon though as public transit in my city will make them mandatory as of July 2nd.
I understand that everyone is itching for this to end but what I have seen the past few days depresses me. We are often told to expect a second and third wave and some countries, including the US, are starting to see that. The way things are going here I expect a second wave to be a few weeks away.
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