Published in El Pais, 28 April 2020.
Lots of businesses are struggling with this lockdown. Restraunts can only do takeout, gyms and theatres are closed and no one can travel anywhere. Quarantines may soon end around the world might, but it will be awhile before restrictions are completely lifted. Some say that things will not be completely normal until a vaccine is found, which could take over a year. Once that is over businesses will still have a lot to overcome but there are more that will suffer more than others. Below is my list of businesses that will forever change once we are free to go out into public.
Many are already closed for good but the ones who survive or the new ones that pop up will find themselves in a new economic environment. During this quarantine many are learning how to cook for themselves and are finding out that these new dishes are not so bad. It is likely they will take this skill to good use after the quarantine is over and will eat out less often.
Once gyms are allowed to be open again, and they will be one of the last businesses to do so, people will rush to the door as many will gain weight due to the inactivity. This however will be short lived and comparable to the rush many fitness centres experience in New Years. The die-hard gym fans will learn to adapt to this quarantine and when it is over, they may come to the conclusion that their at-home workout is just fine and will not bother to renew their membership.
Cruise Ships
This business is finished. Cruise ships have always had their health problems with the occasional ship having a flu or Norwalk outbreak, but the number of cruise ships having COVID outbreaks really put the whole industry in a bad spot light. Many will think that while the Coronavirus may be finished, that does not mean they will not catch something else. Sorry cruise fans, these might be hard to come by.
Movie Theatres
This industry was already on the decline with straight to streaming movies and TVs getting bigger and cheaper everyday, but with this quarantine many production companies are going straight to streaming. The price may be expensive, on average of $25 to rent, but it is certainly cheaper than taking your family to the movies, especially when you include the price of popcorn. When this is all over, we may find the straight to streaming practice continue with many movies, cutting out theatres entirely.
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