Published in El Pais, January 18th 2020.
These days we have moved or moved from home. We thought that after selling, giving and throwing away many things, we would have an easy transfer. However, when one prepares things for the moving truck, one is surprised about the amount of boxes, bags, furniture and other things that will be moved. It is not the first time my family has moved, we really believed that we knew how to do it “never buy many things and try to be happy with the essentials”. However, we were surprised again with the amount of things? What have we learned?
First, sometimes one collects a large number of things that have a short life (from disposable to simple things) and after the first use enters a drawer or corner without ever being used again. Since everything has to be empty at the time of leaving and one often does not have time to choose these things well, it is easier to throw everything away since it will probably never be used again. There are also the biggest things, like books and furniture. Many times they go to the new place to be saved again. Who does not have a drawer with “important papers or books” that has not been opened in years? How much space do they occupy in the house? Wouldn’t it be a good opportunity to give away books or throw away papers?
Second, it is necessary to leave the nostalgia to get rid (either selling, gifted or throwing away) the things that you no longer use or will not do. Someone else could enjoy it. It is a task for the whole family to define what should remain, the essential. This is a continuous task that should not only be done to move and avoid the nightmare, but should be permanent to maintain peace and control over things in the house. It is much more pleasant to arrive at an organized house and the space generates less tension among family members. A house with fewer things is easier to order, clean and give space. As a great prize, your move will be easier and not a nightmare.
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